GMC Guidance: "You should ask for advice when you treat patients who may need psychological or other expert assessment or support."
CourseIndividual or Group
WorkshopsHealth Education England new Qualification Recommendations list their Learning Aims and Outcomes as well as their Common Themes. These qualification recommendations are a result of an Expert Reference Group who worked hard to learn what can be improved upon in order to create better patient safety.
As a member of the HEE/Expert Reference Group I was able to feed in the fundamental psychological perspectives for patient safety. I am pleased to see some of my recommendations taken on board. These recommendations come from many long years experience of listening to patients and professionals. The HEE-QR understands the need to integrate psychological training for all modalities at all levels. Our goal is not to turn the aesthetic practitioner into a counsellor but to help the aesthetic practitioner offer routine referral to emotional support and understand patient psychology and the relevant pathways available to them and to their patients or clients. As a passionate patient safety advocate and psychotherapist, I believe in creating well-informed patients with realistic expectation. I think this offer is best done in conjunction with well-informed practitioners who also have realistic expectations for their patients. I offer, education, training, support and information on indicative content for courses, workshops and seats of further learning. Please contact me for details. Please contact us for any help you may need in putting together training or education resources. Advanced WorkshopsAn Advanced Workshop assumes a foundation or core knowledge in psychological perspectives and builds on the more specific elements that will make you a better practitioner.